Sunday, October 30, 2011


Halloween: An Evolving American Consumption Ritual, Arson Investigators go after Taco-Bell Fire Bomber, Onward, Christian Soldier - Preachers Mustn't shy away from Politics, Cholera, Evil, What's Safer? A den of cops, or a den of thieves?

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Mapping Adolescent Religious Participation, The Evangelical Rejection of Religion, Herman Cain: Jesus was the Perfect Conservative Killed by a Liberal Court, Proving the Bible through Science, The End of the World, Is it possible that the world has already come to an end?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Leeches, Spiders, and Astrology: Predilections and Predictions. Yeti Hunters Must be More Scientific, Ads Implant False Memories, How to make a nuclear bomb using common household ingredients, Corporations are people, too, Art exists.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Perils of Internet Fraud: An Empirical Investigation of Deception and Trust with Experienced Internet Users, Rasmussen releases Occupy Wall Street poll, Can religion and extraterrestrial life co-exist?, Over the counter medication confusion, Project MKULTRA, Alcoholics anonymous, good or bad?

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Teaching Critical Thinking for Transfer Across Domains, Belief Gallup Poll, Major Religion case ushers in SCOTUS Term, Anti-bacterial soaps, creams, and lotions, Ancient astronauts, Solar power v. wind power, what's more destructive to the environment?